Shurun Study Abroad Consultancy Service (Sichuan) Co., Ltd

Main Services: Technology, Co-founder, Percentage of shares: 45 %, 2023

The company recently launched two innovative projects: a vehicle health monitoring system and an online medical payment platform. These initiatives were spearheaded by a dedicated software team aimed at addressing critical needs in the industry. Additionally, strategic partnerships were established with Chengdu Hikvision Research Institute and Chengdu Extreme Viewpoint Technology, which have notably expanded the company’s reach and capabilities. In a move to enhance operational efficiency, a significant supply chain improvement was achieved by securing a pivotal agreement with Guilin Jingrui Sensor Technology Co. This partnership has notably enhanced the quality and efficiency of the company’s product offerings, marking a significant step forward in its operational excellence.

Founding Story

  • Date of Establishment: [成立时间]
    • Location of Headquarters: [公司所在地]
    • Team at Inception: [初始团队规模]
    • Genesis of the Company: [成立背后的故事]

Business Model Overview

  • Industry Sector: [所处行业]
  • Key Services and Products: [核心服务或产品]
    • Distinguishing Features: [产品或服务的独特卖点]
  • Primary Market Focus: [目标市场]
    • Comprehensive Market Analysis: [市场分析]

Executive Leadership

  • Role within the Company: [您在公司中的角色]
  • Scope of Responsibilities: [主要职责]
  • Approach to Leadership: [您的领导风格]
    • Team Development Practices: [团队建设经验]
    • Philosophy of Management: [管理理念]

Milestones and Achievements

  • Significant Milestones: [重要里程碑]
  • Key Growth Indicators: [成长指标,如收入增长、客户增长]
  • Recognition and Awards: [获得的奖项和认可]
    • Press and Media Highlights: [媒体报道]

Strategic Impact

  • Initiatives Undertaken: [您发起的战略举措]
  • Notable Projects Spearheaded: [您领导的主要项目]
    • Outcomes and Impact: [项目成果]
  • Innovative Contributions: [您引入的创新]
    • Business Implications: [对业务的影响]

Overcoming Adversity

  • Key Challenges Faced: [面临的重大挑战]
  • Approaches to Problem Solving: [解决问题的方法]
    • Adaptability and Learnings: [学习与适应]

Future Prospects

  • Short-term Objectives: [未来的目标]
  • Long-term Strategic Expansion: [扩张计划]
    • Vision and Aspirations: [长期愿景]


  • Launched a vehicle health monitoring system and an online medical payment platform, directly leading a software team to meet critical industry needs.
  • Initiated and closed strategic partnerships with Chengdu Hikvision Research Institute and Chengdu Extreme Viewpoint Technology, expanding company reach and capability.
  • Streamlined our supply chain by securing a pivotal agreement with Guilin Jingrui Sensor Technology Co., Ltd significantly enhancing the quality and efficiency of our product offerings.

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