Huang Jiongtao’s personal websites

Welcome to My Personal Space: A Mosaic of My Life and Aspirations!

Hello there! I'm Jiongtao Huang, but you can call me Simon. I'm navigating the exciting world of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Leeds and Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU-Leeds Joint School). It's a journey that blends my love for technology with an itch to explore and create.

My academic path is just one slice of the pie. I've dipped my toes in the waters of entrepreneurship, founding Sichuan Jie Min Technology Co., Ltd. and Hunan Chuangben Technology Co., Ltd. These ventures are my playgrounds for innovation, where I learn, stumble, and grow.

But wait, there's more! At SWJTU, I'm not just another face in the crowd. As a member of the Student Campus Self-Management Committee, I dive into enriching student life, bringing a dash of energy and a spoonful of ideas. Oh, and did I mention I sprint? Yep, I'm the guy who set the men’s 100m record in the general student group at Southwest Jiaotong University. It's not just about speed; it's about passion, persistence, and a little bit of playful competition.

Curious about any of me? I'm always up for a good chat or a collaborative brainstorm. Reach out to me at, and let's see what interesting ideas we can cook up together!

Why This Website?

The primary purpose of creating this personal website was to establish a centralized platform to gather and showcase my experiences in academia, life, entrepreneurship, and career. Through this site, I aim to provide a panoramic view that allows you to comprehensively understand me, from my academic pursuits to entrepreneurial ventures, and to the everyday nuances of my life. This place is more than just a display of my personal achievements and milestones; it's a space for documenting and sharing my journey of growth.

Here, you can find my academic papers, project works, entrepreneurial stories, and my reflections on life. I hope this website serves as a bridge for communication, connecting me with people around the world who share similar interests and dreams. Whether you are a teacher, student, colleague, or just someone curious about my work and life, I welcome you to share your thoughts, experiences, and insights with me.

Through this website, I aim not only to showcase who I was but also to explore who I might become. It is a constantly evolving platform, reflecting my journey of change and growth. I look forward to meeting you on this journey and sharing, learning, and growing together.

What to Expect?

The website is structured into several key sections, each reflecting a different aspect of my life:

  • About Myself: Delve into my background, interests, and the values that drive me. This section paints a picture of my persona beyond just a professional or academic label.
  • Academic Journey: Explore my academic endeavors, from research projects to scholarly achievements. It's a glimpse into my intellectual pursuits and academic milestones.
  • Entrepreneurial Path: Discover my ventures in the world of business. This section chronicles my journey as an entrepreneur, highlighting my initiatives and the lessons learned along the way.
  • Life Experiences: A peek into my life outside the professional sphere. From travel diaries to personal hobbies, this part of the site celebrates the diverse experiences that shape me.
  • Blog Insights: My thoughts, insights, and musings shared in a more informal and reflective tone. It's where I engage with broader topics and personal interests.
  • Professional Resumé: A comprehensive overview of my professional and academic history, providing a detailed account of my skills, experiences, and qualifications.
  • Navigation Guide: Navigating the site made easy. This section helps you find what you're looking for quickly and efficiently, ensuring a seamless browsing experience.

Join Me on My Journey

Warmly welcome you to journey through this website, a reflection of the diverse tapestry that is my life. Each section here is a unique thread, intricately woven to share my story with you. As you navigate through these pages, we embark on an exploration of learning and growth. Enjoy the adventure and insights into my world!

Together, let's explore the depths of my experiences, uncover new insights, and celebrate the milestones that have shaped me. Welcome aboard this adventure into my world, a tapestry of dreams, aspirations, and achievements. Enjoy the exploration and the many revelations that await!

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Dec 2023: I have set up the online-coffee-time (Inspired by Shangzhe Wu). Welcome to chat with me!

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